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#ProPornProf - Give "Old Nick" his Jobs back!
When it comes to sex, which most people engage in, then its suddenly disgusting.
So how come its morally accepted to watch murder, but not sex? And of course, I do not claim that anyone HAVE to watch sex, it should be totally up to them, and I have no problem with people not sharing my interest in porn. But if you confess in liking porn, then you are close to being an outcast - even though close to all the male population and some half of the femaile population watch while no-one-else knows...
So the good professor is sound and honest, while the one made him leave his job are not.
I used to frequent a circle of close friends, some of them were school teachers, who enjoyed the swinging lifestyle, I can't remember any of them losing their job, they did not take the swinging to the classroom and the classroom was not taken swinging.
What one does in one's private time (unless it's illegal) should not reflect on their dayjob.